Where Art and Artists Thrive
About WCAG
The Guild was established in September 1976 by Steve Benton and Sheila Crabill as a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization. We are organized and operated for educational and charitable purposes to stimulate interest in art in Williamson County, Texas and beyond. WCAG is a totally volunteer-run organization.
The WCAG is involved in art education, support of local artists, art exhibits and shows, community collaborations, community outreach, student art exhibits and scholarships, and more.
WCAG artists thrive through skill-share, attending artist presentations and workshops, participating in WCAG exhibits and shows, and networking with an amazing group of local artists. Emerging, evolving, and established artists are all welcome!
The Guild recently opened the Williamson County Art Guild Gallery at 708 Rock St. Come by and visit the incredible artwork displayed by member artists. Check out our other gallery spaces and exhibits throughout the county too.
The Guild isn’t just for artists. We also appreciate ‘art appreciators’! Please consider donating funding or time to our organization to help it grow and sustain its positive momentum.
WCAG Membership Meetings
WCAG Membership Meetings are at the Georgetown Library, the 1st Tuesday of the months of September through November and January through June.
The meetings are from 6:30-8:00pm, with a “meet and greet” time at 6:15pm.
The public is welcome to join these meetings and enjoy artist demos, creative activities, skill share, supply swaps, event planning, and peer to peer Q&A.
Minutes of Recent General Membership Business Meetings
Membership Meeting Programs for 2025-26:
Month Speaker Challenge Theme
January 7: Holly Glenn: Marketing Your Work Look What I Found
February 4: Ted Keller: Exploiting Storytelling in Imagery The Beauty of Dreams
March 4: Jason Wallerstein: Brunky Art Motion
April 1: Kathleen Stafford: Her Art & Story Night
May 6: Richard Windberg: The Windberg Legacy What Am I Looking At?
June 4: Justin Burns: Golden Products Look Up